AI in Medical Writing and Editing: Blueprint for Success in a Changing World

Seamlessly integrate AI into your medical writing and editing and
explore career opportunities emerging because of AI.

Part #4: Your Medical Writing or Editing Future

AI is here to stay

AI in Medical Writing and Editing: Blueprint for Success in a Changing World

A self-paced course with a free membership of like-minded medical writers and editors that helps you implement AI into your medical writing and editing workflow so that you can work faster and more effectively and stay current in today’s evolving workplace.

1.        Introduction to AI in Medical Writing and Editing: This first module explores AI and chatbots, explaining their relevance and benefits in medical writing. You will understand how AI can simplify your work, increase productivity, and help you stay ahead in the rapidly evolving medical writing industry.

2.        Research and Outline Creation: In the second module, you will learn how to use generative AI for faster outline creation and efficient research. You will see how AI can help generate ideas, find relevant sources, and organize information seamlessly. 

3.        Increase Speed and Quality in Medical Writing: In the third module, you will start implementing generative AI in your writing tasks. You will learn how AI can aid in content generation and improve writing speed AND quality. This module will equip you with the skills to write more effectively and efficiently.

4.        Harness the Power of AI for Medical Editing: The fourth module introduces AI tools for medical editing. You will see how AI can automate proofreading, check grammar and style, and ensure consistency, thus enhancing accuracy and polishing your work.

5.        Use AI to Create Slide Decks and Data Visualizations: In the fifth module, you will learn how to use AI to create professional slide decks and data visualizations. You will discover how AI can help you design clear, impactful presentations and visual representations of data, adding value to your medical content development services.

6.        Assess Emerging Job and Consulting Opportunities: In the final module, you will explore how your new AI skills can be applied to ongoing job and consulting opportunities. You will also consider strategies for “future-proofing” your career path by combining your medical writing background with skills such as data analytics, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and machine learning.

Action guides, prompts, templates, and checklists that you can use to implement AI into your workflow.

Monthly ongoing recorded calls where Emma speaks to specific updates and the latest AI-based news to help you stay updated and continue to implement AI in your work.


BONUS: Feedback from an experienced medical writer or editor on up to 4-pages of your medical writing or editing. If you’re new to this industry, this feedback will help you assess whether your writing or editing is up to a professional level suitable for paying clients and will provide friendly, constructive suggestions for improvement

BONUS: Ongoing free membership in the AIMWE hub with past and current course members to help navigate the technology and ask questions as you go.

Imagine the Difference!

Watch the video to learn about AI in Medical Writing and Editing: Blueprint for Success in a Changing World, a step-by-step transformation to get you implementing AI so that you can speed up workflow while optimizing quality and explore ways to enhance your medical writing or editing career over the next few months.

Imagine what it would be like to eliminate many of the tedious aspects of medical writing and editing because you’re familiar with the latest AI-based approaches—a scenario in which you’re not just keeping up with your deadlines but integrating techniques into your workflow while avoiding that dreaded feeling of not keeping up with your peers.

The transformation
It’s not just about working faster; it’s about working smarter and delivering higher quality work—all in an ethical way.

Staying updated about the use of AI in medical writing and editing will also help open doors to new career opportunities that are becoming available in this brand new world. 

If we want to stay in the medical writing or editing industry, can any of us afford NOT to learn about these opportunities? 

With my brand new course, AI in Medical Writing and Editing: Blueprint for Success in a Changing Worldyou’ll have all the industry-specific information you need not only to keep up but to thrive.

Are you ready to become more efficient, competitive, and sought-after for your skills?

Years of Industry Experience​

As a medical writer and editor for over two decades, I understand the challenges you face.

Although AI has been around for a while, in November 2022, most of us were blindsided when ChatGPT came on the scene. I even held off from using it initially, hoping things would just go back to how they always were. Can you relate?

Since then, I have thought long and hard as a medical writer and editor about the ways in which AI will affect our field. If used correctly, AI can become an invaluable tool with which we can co-create—there is no need to fear it, as long as we get on board and learn how to use it.

That’s why I felt compelled to create this course, combining my years of industry experience and my recent efforts to evaluate precisely how to implement AI into a medical writing and editing workflow.

This course will tell you what you absolutely need to know, focusing on practical applications, while not wasting your time with complex information that you don’t need to know. There’s a lot of complex information out there, but I’ve distilled it down for you.

In case we haven’t met, I’m Dr Emma Hitt Nichols, and I have a 20-year history of helping hundreds of people with a science background (eg, MDs, PhDs, and PharmDs) transition into the field of medical writing. Because of this, many of them have been able to work from home and have been able to overcome the burnout that so often accompanies clinical and research careers.

In 2003, I started the HittList medical writing jobs email, sending it out every week for 20 years. As a result, I also have a unique insight into the ebb and flow of medical writing jobs and their specific requirements. What’s more, I have an up-front view of thousands of medical writing projects that flow into my company each year.

I’ve been privileged to work with many amazing medical writing and editing professionals in different courses over the years. 

Here's what some of them have to say

Emma is a veteran in the medical writing/editing community who has been providing value (both free and paid) for several years. Her course gave me greater clarity and a better perspective regarding my preferences in the field. Her mentorship, expertise, and the confidence one gains to solicit clients of their own, are far more valuable than the price of her course(s)
—Petal S. Veterinarian

Emma is a great teacher and mentor.  Her course was extremely helpful in getting me started in my new career. As a result of the course, I was able to successfully transition from clinical practice to full-time freelance work in a short amount of time.
—Xiomara S. MD

Whenever anyone asks me how to get started in medical writing, I suggest taking Emma’s course. The course itself is tremendously helpful in learning the basics and business of medical writing and generating writing samples that can eventually lead to jobs. Other medical writing courses are out there, but few, if any, give this opportunity. Additionally, in taking the course, you become part of a medical writing community to exchange ideas and ask questions. In the past year, I’ve been able to bring in more income than I had hoped for doing a job that I love, and it all began with Emma’s training!
—Brigid S. PhD

The Learn AMA Style/Become a Medical Editor course is a one-stop source to learn and hone your medical editing skills. Emma covers medical editing, AMA style, and running your freelance editing business in an in-depth manner. The course also covers a burgeoning medical writing field, medical writing support services (MWSS). This one-of-a-kind course has many practical examples that set it apart from other programs out there. The course has helped me get high-paying clients in the MWSS field (an avenue I would not have explored if not for this course).
—Kalpana S. PhD

I really can’t quantify the value of Emma’s course. I gained so much knowledge about medical writing, started my new career with confidence, and had paying clients within weeks of finishing the course!
—Lindsay G. PharmD

Learn AMA Style/Become a Medical Editor course is most likely my best investment this year, and it’s still only spring. The course provides a great overview of the latest edition of AMA Manual of Style, addressing the most important and most common issues one can face in medical editing. On top of that, Emma has a whole module on how to set up and run your freelance business. That alone makes the course worth joining. It is a great journey, from big picture aspects to the smallest nuances of punctuation. This is the best editing course out there, period.
—Roland L. PhD

Get AI Working For You!

AI has come upon us, and we all need to make it work for us.  

If you’ll allow me the opportunity, with my latest offering, you’ll be able to

  • Optimize your productivity with AI tools while enhancing the quality of your content
  • Increase your value to employers and clients with your new skills
  • Strategically plan to upgrade your current skills so you can stay relevant in the changing world 

It’s important to understand that our field is already changing drastically due to the advent of AI. Every day, many professionals are integrating AI tools into their workflow and gaining a competitive edge.

If you don’t want to be left behind, it’s essential to act now. I want to help everyone I can with this course, but we are going step by step starting next week, so registration will be open for the next few days only, and the course won’t be open again for several months.

AI in Medical Writing and Editing: Blueprint for Success in a Changing World” is now available. Register now below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! For the field of medical writing, it’s best if you have an advanced degree in a science and a fluent command of the English language. It helps if you enjoy writing and are good at it. If you’re interested, now’s the ideal time to get on board by learning from the get-go how to implement AI in your workflow. 

No. You may see a little Python code here and there, but this will be provided, and everything will be made clear. You may decide you want to learn how to code with Python while using AI though!

We can’t guarantee what the outcome will be for you because that depends on you and the amount of time and effort you put in, but we’ll certainly provide many ideas about how to get clients and ways to enhance your skillset.

There is NO offer of work from my company, implied or otherwise, if you take this course.

You should count on 20-30 mins of learning and practicing per day for a few weeks (on your own schedule) to get up and running.  Using AI effectively requires practice. The modules are self-paced, and you’ll have access for the next year to the course content.

Regulatory writing is a niche within the medical writing industry. Many of the techniques in this course will apply to regulatory writing. However, Dr. Hitt Nichols is not a regulatory writer, so use cases won’t directly focus on regulatory writing. The course should still be helpful to regulatory writers though. 

Use cases will tend to focus on the following types of writing and activities: researching the medical literature and creating outlines; writing news pieces, manuscripts, needs assessments, press releases, educational materials, and feature articles; as well as creating PowerPoint slide decks and writing slide notes. Also covered are editing and proofreading with a focus on implementing the AMA Manual of Style

The course is directed towards both freelance and staff medical writers and editors. In the final module, which covers emerging career opportunities related to AI, both staff and consulting roles will be considered. 

Yes, we do. You have 14 days from the date of purchase to consider whether this course is for you. You can receive a no-questions-asked refund within 14 days by emailing 

The AIMWE membership is included in the course and currently is available only to course participants. 

The course might be open again for registration later in the year. However, if you’re interested, the best approach is to sign up now while it’s being offered. You can access the modules and recorded Q&As whenever you’re ready. 

One-on-one coaching is not available. However, we have experienced medical writers and editors on hand to evaluate work that you submit as described above; Dr. Hitt Nichols will answer any questions during the live Q&A calls.

If you purchased the full version of the 6-week-course (everything you need to know to launch your freelance medical writing business, $1997 or 3-payments) in 2024 or will purchase the 6-week course before the AIMWE registration closes, you can access this course at 50% off. Just email us at for a non-transferable coupon.

Still have a question? Just email us at support{at} 
We’ll get back to you right away during business hours EDT. 

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